Sunday, July 31, 2011

Head Coverings & Apologies

Our pastor is preaching through 1 Corinthians.  Last Sunday he taught 1 Cor. 11:2-16.  The point of the message was the spiritual symbolism of a head covering for us ladies.  For married women, our head covering is our husband.  For some women that just brings out our rebellious spirit.  But for others, who have learned the protection and freedom in that, it is a wonderful thing.  How grateful I am to have a godly husband as my "head covering."

So...I was tested this week.  I guess I needed to not just hear this message but learn it through a real live field trip.  Bless my heart - I was indeed humbled by my selfish, ugly attitude.  I will spare the embarrassing details other than I had a very bad attitude toward a sales clerk because I did not understand the return policy.  As soon as I got into my car, I called Jason to rant.  I'm so embarrassed. :(  He put me in my place and I needed it.  It took me about 30 minutes of anger and frustration and arguing with God but I knew what I should do.  Would I do what a Christian lady who loves the Lord and loves her husband and his leadership should do???  Isn't asking God's forgiveness and admitting to Jason that he was right enough?  How. hard. it. would. be.  I want to be clear here that Jason did not tell me I should apologize - he just let me know that my attitude was wrong.

I drove back to the store and apologized face to face with the lady.  God was merciful because she happened to be outside - so my walk of shame did not have to enter the store.  Uggh...that was tough.  But necessary, and I felt much better.  Felt so much better that I began to think of anyone else I needed to apologize to - Seriously, God? 

I am tremendously grateful for Jason and for a church that teaches the truths of God's Word so well.  Cooperative worship is so necessary in my spiritual walk.  I need that weekly time for reflection and redirection to get my mind and heart in alignment with my Heavenly Father's will.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Your Name & Remembrance

Isaiah 26:8.  What does that passage mean?  We chose this as our family verse a few years back.  I was recently studying some other versions of this passage.  The English Standard Version says “In the path of your judgements, O Lord, we wait for you; your name and remembrance are the desire of our soul.”  In order to fully grasp the original intent of the author, we must consider the context.  This particular section of Isaiah is what some scholars have called the oracles and woes against rebellious nations.  

The chapter begins with “In that day the song will be sung in the Land of Judah.”  Isaiah is speaking of a coming day of victory for the righteous.  Verse 7 says “you make level the way of the righteous.”  Then verse 9 says “My soul yearns for you in the night.” So the two verses surrounding verse 8 speak of God’s provision for the righteous, and a yearning from the one who follows Him.  It’s interesting how verse 8 speaks of God’s judgement.  The NIV uses the word “laws.”  It is in God’s judgments/laws that we walk in the path of.  Now why is this important?  What would our children be like if they had no boundaries?  You have heard it said that children yearn for structure and boundaries.  God’s instruction for us, his judgments and decrees, are for our benefit.  

The word path gives the connotation that we are behind Him, following Him.  “We wait for you” means we are patient for His instruction. Isn’t it the times when we pursue and live outside His decrees that we get into the most trouble?  When we jump ahead and live as if it is “all about me and what I want” is when we can be the most miserable.  This can be simple and subtle actions in our lives.  For example, Ephesians 5:28 says “husbands should love their wives as their own body.”  Easy enough right?  Not if I am not in the path of his laws.  It’s interesting how much smoother my marriage goes when I put Alicia ahead of me.  Our relationship has more joy, meaning, and oneness when I wait for Him.  This is so indicative of not just our marriages but our lives in general.

Those of us who claim to be followers of Christ have been redeemed for His name and remembrance. When we make Him famous is when we find the most meaning and substance in life.  Is the desire for His renown, as the NIV puts it, the longing of your soul?  Don’t you want Him to make level the way you should go?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Runner's Camp: God at Work

Runner's Camp is just awesome! We're having a great week...hard to believe tomorrow is our last day.  The children have enjoyed being physically challenged each day through running and various field events - discus, javelin, high jump, long jump, pole-vault, and the hurtles.  The weather has been amazingly helps to have water activities in the mix!  Most of all, I have SO enjoyed helping.  I LOVE the ability to spy keep an eye on my little ones ;) 

I am helping with snacks and hydration - which is a VERY important job with 300 children running around outside for 4 hours!!  We also man the first aid tent.  Guess who our first patient was both Day 1 AND Day 2...Jake.  I was so glad to be there to doctor his wounds, but so surprised!  He basically peeled off his elbow on day 1 and his knee on day 2...all within the first 30 minutes of camp.  Wow.   

One of things I have loved most about the week is the amount of people giving their time and talents to make Runner's Camp so awesome.  Gifted athletes have traveled hundreds of miles to work with the kids.  Teenagers are always around to help - it is obviously a cool place for the youth to be!  The unity among believers is amazing to many of the volunteers are from other churches and denominations in our area.  It has been a blessing to observe all of this and get to be a part of God's work this week.  This is the second Runner's Camp held this summer.  Both camps filled to the max with a total of over 500 kids being ministered to.  There is talk of three camps for next summer.

The picture below is of Drew's group (6 yr old boys) with his coaches.

And, Jake...he wouldn't let me take any pictures of his wounded knee and elbow.

The gals...Jenn, Sarah Beth, me, and Lisa.  Gonna miss them next week!

The two pictures below are during worship.  The athletes who have come to help this week are sharing a short testimony with the kids.  I have seen them stop to pray together for the kids.

And, Emmie is even loving wearing a long as she has the bows with it and I tie the side in a knot!  Whatever it takes!  Thank you, Jesus, for ways to help a girl feel feminine in a t-shirt!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Runner's Camp...Here We Come!!!!

Tomorrow we will begin Runner's Camp!  This will be the boys second year and Emmie starts mini-camp (the version of Runner's Camp for children under 6 whose parents help.)  One of the first things the boys did after we moved here last summer was a week of Runner's Camp.  They absolutely LOVED it and I was secretly hoping to one day get to help - so...guess who's helping this year????  YAY for me!! 

Runner's Camp is a VBS type program with a focus on track and field.  To learn more go to:

Our church began this ministry many years ago, and it has grown every year.  This year over 500 children ages 6 - 12 will learn about Jesus and be physically challenged everyday.  Runner's Camp is now also held in Boston, Thailand and Africa to reach children around the world.

About a month ago we all got new running shoes to break-in before the big week.  The only member of our family to complain was Emily Ann.  Apparently, cute light-up Dora sneakers are not nearly as cool as twinkle toe bling-bling skechers.  She cried the whole way home...wowsa.  She has worn the Dora sneakers a few times and seems a wee bit more excited about them.  Not sure how tomorrow morning will go?!

Please pray for our week.  Pray that every child attending camp who has not heard the Gospel will be responsive and will accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Pray for all of the volunteers giving of their time and talents this week.  Pray for a breeze or two!!

A few pictures from last year: