Monday, July 4, 2011

Runner's Camp...Here We Come!!!!

Tomorrow we will begin Runner's Camp!  This will be the boys second year and Emmie starts mini-camp (the version of Runner's Camp for children under 6 whose parents help.)  One of the first things the boys did after we moved here last summer was a week of Runner's Camp.  They absolutely LOVED it and I was secretly hoping to one day get to help - so...guess who's helping this year????  YAY for me!! 

Runner's Camp is a VBS type program with a focus on track and field.  To learn more go to:

Our church began this ministry many years ago, and it has grown every year.  This year over 500 children ages 6 - 12 will learn about Jesus and be physically challenged everyday.  Runner's Camp is now also held in Boston, Thailand and Africa to reach children around the world.

About a month ago we all got new running shoes to break-in before the big week.  The only member of our family to complain was Emily Ann.  Apparently, cute light-up Dora sneakers are not nearly as cool as twinkle toe bling-bling skechers.  She cried the whole way home...wowsa.  She has worn the Dora sneakers a few times and seems a wee bit more excited about them.  Not sure how tomorrow morning will go?!

Please pray for our week.  Pray that every child attending camp who has not heard the Gospel will be responsive and will accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Pray for all of the volunteers giving of their time and talents this week.  Pray for a breeze or two!!

A few pictures from last year:


alison said...

yay!!! go drew and jake! and you tell emily ann that i would probably run SO much faster and farther if i had me some light up dora shoes ;) what a cool ministry...i love this idea!

Amy said...

Love it!!!

Something that gets the kids moving and teaches them the Gospel, great idea!!

Burgess Family said...

Thanks Alison & Amy! Runner's Camp is awesome - so excited to get to help this year!:)