Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One Year!

In just a few days (June 11) we will celebrate our one year anniversary of seminary life here at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.  No doubt, this past year has been a time of growing in our faith.  Following God's leading has not been the easiest route, but it has been freeing, refreshing, and a good thing for our marriage and family.  And, life at Southeastern is a great adventure!!  We recently attended a seminary bar-b-cue...a few pics...

Jake and Drew got to "duke it out" on the wrestling mat...we so need one of these at home! 

Praise You, Father!

1 comment:

alison said...

i can't believe y'all have been gone for a whole year. i know that you are a blessing to the folks of north carolina just as you were here at home :) we miss you all.....but we know that God has a great and wonderful plan for your beautiful family and it's so encouraging to see you fearlessly following that plan! love you guys :)