Friday, June 24, 2011


Drew's Kindergarten teacher recently had a "muffins for mom" and "doughnuts with dad" event in the classroom.  Muffins for Mom was held back in May right around Mother's Day, and the Doughnuts with Dad event was the Friday before Father's Day.  Drew made a couple of pictures for Jason and I - we just had to share them...

The first picture below is me and the caption below reads, "My mom always says never to go to Wi-Fi unless she tells me to."  The second picture says, "The important thing about my mom is...she gives me good food." 

Observation #1...Drew has awesome handwriting!!  Don't you just love it?!  Second observation...I am good for two things - rules and food.  I wanted to be his hero, but apparently it's just not reality for Mama!

Let's move on to the pictures of Daddy...

Hooray...we have found the hero of the family!!  Drew writes, "My Dad always says I love you."  And, if you look closely, the picture shows a Bible in Jason's hand.  See picture below of a close-up to see the Bible.  Oh, it's just too precious!   

We just love our little Kindergartner!!  Can he just stay 6 years old forever?!  We're not ready for him to go to first grade! 


Tara said...

Oh, I love these pictures and what he wrote!

Burgess Family said...

Thanks Tara! He's getting so big - and it goes by too fast!