Friday, February 25, 2011

The Body of Christ

"He did it so that they might prepare God's people to serve.  If they do, the body of Christ will be built up." Ephesians 4:12
Today we traveled to the village of Sainta Maria de Jesus to help in the children’s ministry of Sainta Maria de Jesus Baptista Iglesia.  It was a beautiful drive up one of the volcanic mountains getting to this small village of about 3,000 Mayan people.  
Our purpose for today was to help Gabriel, the pastor of Iglesia Sainta Maria de Jesus, with the children’s ministry of the church.  This was so encouraging because today I truly got a glimpse of the body of Christ at work.  Gabriel has been the pastor of St. Maria de Jesus Iglesia for about four years.  He has had no theological training or mentoring up until a few months ago.  He was working a full time job for minimum wage ($10 per day) while pastoring the church.  Through a mission project, an American church is now sponsoring Gabriel and paying for him to go to seminary.  An experienced local pastor in Antigua is now mentoring him and helping to train him to reach and serve the people of St. Maria de Jesus.  They now have a flourishing children’s ministry and are starting a food ministry in May.  The project we helped with today was attended by around 400 children.

This is an example of the body of Christ functioning effectively.   The church is the vehicle God chose to use to advance his kingdom.  So for those of us who claim to be part of the church, we have to ask ourselves if we are we involved in advancing the kingdom.  We should consider this individually and corporately.  Why and how are we doing church?  Any reason other than glorifying Christ, who saved us, cheapens the sacrifice He made for us.  Imagine how Christ feels when His bride is bickering about such foolish things as we do in church.  Are you more interested in keeping church comfortable for you or getting more involved in the great commission?
I was challenged today by Gabriel and the support he has.  A church in America investing in him and his future ministry.  An experienced pastor taking time to disciple and teach Gabriel on how to be a more effective minister.  This is the body of Christ at work that is pleasing to God.  How do we know this?  The Kingdom is being advanced.  No one is trying to get all the credit, just practicle Biblical giving and discipling.  How does your church budget look?  Is it primarily spent on internal or external causes?  Have you spoken with the One who gave you what you have about what you should do with it?     

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