Monday, February 28, 2011


"What is more, I consider everything loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Philippians 3:8
We made it back safely.  The week flew by.  We experienced a lot in 7 days. Experiencing a different culture truly does make you think about our culture and the negatives of it.  Things that we spend our money on lose their value when you see conditions people live in that we Americans would consider unacceptable.
Being around gifted people (the mission team, church staff, and various workers) who are giving their all for the cause of Christ is both humbling and convicting.  The people we were blessed to be around throughout the week are taking the Great Commission given by our Lord seriously.  Christ said “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)  A good spiritual thermometer for us is the level of love we have for others.  Do you really care about others, even if it means sacrifice?
One of the best moments of our trip was when we finished the house for the family on the mountain.  We cannot imagine the exponential improvement in living conditions it was for this family.  What we would call a nice workshop gave the Gonzales family a new home.  Through building the home for them, we had the opportunity to share Christ’s love in action. They were so humble and appreciative.  

To read more from members of our mission team, click on this link:


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Made to Worship

“Do not put any other gods in place of me.” Exodus 20:3
Today we witnessed a Mayan worship service at an ancient temple ground.  The Mayan people are an indigenous people group throughout Central America. They worship many gods and have been for several hundred years.  As you can see on the video, this was a fairly large group of people with a person leading the service.  They have many types of services, one of which they rub an apple on each of their joints for the cleansing of sins.  Candles were lit and placed on steps up to the top of a stone ruin.  They had some type of plant that they waved all around and then placed on an open fire in the middle of the circle.
What struck me about this was the people there were trying to fulfill some type of need.  They obviously knew they needed some help with the sins of their life.  Why are we like that?  Why are we searching for something?  It is simple, we were made this way.  We were created to worship our Creator. There is a reason that God gave the first two of the Ten Commandments addressing this issue.  In the Old Testament, God’s people continually worshiped other gods and suffered as a consequence.  The truth is there is nothing we can do about it.  We are going to worship something.  Deep down inside we know there has to be something more than just us.  We were designed with a longing for something outside of ourselves.  The question is, what or who are we worshiping and is it the truth?  In John 14:6 Christ proclaimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  As Josh McDowell wrote, “Jesus was either the Lord, a liar, or a lunatic.”  The very forgiveness the Mayan people are looking for today can be found in Christ Jesus.  
What is so great about the Gospel is it is based on Christ and his sacrifice, not on us and our religion.  He paid the price for our sins.  We don’t have to worry about some type of performance or special worship service for cleansing.  Isn’t that refreshing?  Doesn’t that take a burden off us?  
What or who do you worship?  If not Christ, aren’t you tired of searching?

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Body of Christ

"He did it so that they might prepare God's people to serve.  If they do, the body of Christ will be built up." Ephesians 4:12
Today we traveled to the village of Sainta Maria de Jesus to help in the children’s ministry of Sainta Maria de Jesus Baptista Iglesia.  It was a beautiful drive up one of the volcanic mountains getting to this small village of about 3,000 Mayan people.  
Our purpose for today was to help Gabriel, the pastor of Iglesia Sainta Maria de Jesus, with the children’s ministry of the church.  This was so encouraging because today I truly got a glimpse of the body of Christ at work.  Gabriel has been the pastor of St. Maria de Jesus Iglesia for about four years.  He has had no theological training or mentoring up until a few months ago.  He was working a full time job for minimum wage ($10 per day) while pastoring the church.  Through a mission project, an American church is now sponsoring Gabriel and paying for him to go to seminary.  An experienced local pastor in Antigua is now mentoring him and helping to train him to reach and serve the people of St. Maria de Jesus.  They now have a flourishing children’s ministry and are starting a food ministry in May.  The project we helped with today was attended by around 400 children.

This is an example of the body of Christ functioning effectively.   The church is the vehicle God chose to use to advance his kingdom.  So for those of us who claim to be part of the church, we have to ask ourselves if we are we involved in advancing the kingdom.  We should consider this individually and corporately.  Why and how are we doing church?  Any reason other than glorifying Christ, who saved us, cheapens the sacrifice He made for us.  Imagine how Christ feels when His bride is bickering about such foolish things as we do in church.  Are you more interested in keeping church comfortable for you or getting more involved in the great commission?
I was challenged today by Gabriel and the support he has.  A church in America investing in him and his future ministry.  An experienced pastor taking time to disciple and teach Gabriel on how to be a more effective minister.  This is the body of Christ at work that is pleasing to God.  How do we know this?  The Kingdom is being advanced.  No one is trying to get all the credit, just practicle Biblical giving and discipling.  How does your church budget look?  Is it primarily spent on internal or external causes?  Have you spoken with the One who gave you what you have about what you should do with it?     

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Solid Foundation

“So then, everyone who hears my words and puts them into practice is like a wise man. He builds his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24
Today was physically tiring but very rewarding.  We went to the top of a mountain to build a house for a family.  We had a house kit that is basically, what we in America would describe, as a nice workshop - concrete slab with metal siding and roof (approximately 200 square feet.)  The family we are helping is a family of 8. Currently they have some metal siding and bamboo stalks for a home.  They cook over an open fire, have a dirt floor, and no plumbing (the ladies in our group had the opportunity to use their out house on several occasions.)  The demeanor of the family is so humble and appreciative.  Neighbors would come by and check us out and the mother would yell “manyana, manyana,” letting them know her new home would be finished “tomorrow.”  They have the most precious five year old little girl, Carla, who was so excited for us to be there.  There is a big problem with mud slides in the area causing a lot of families to relocate because of their homes washing away.

This family could not afford to have this new home if it were not given to them. The father is a boot maker and his wages simply are not enough to cover the cost of a new home.  So tomorrow, by lunch time, he will have a new home with a solid foundation that will withstand the storms of the rainy season.  This is just like you and I.  We can’t afford the solid foundation we have in Christ.  Our sins cost too much to a Holy and perfect God.  You see, if Christ had not come and given His life to us, we would have no way to get out of our unstable and storm damaged lives.  This family is very receptive and appreciative to the new home given to them.  What if they wouldn’t have been?  What if they just weren’t interested in the opportunity of having a home built on a strong foundation, said no, and refused?  Wouldn’t that have been sad?  Better yet, what if you said no to the opportunity to have a new life with forgiveness already bought and paid for? Guess what, it has been and the price has been paid.  That’s what we call good news.  Are you receptive to the free gift?        

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gain or Loss?

"What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses or gives up his very self?" Luke 9:25
We spent this morning back at the orphanage for children with various disabilities.  This is where I had an encounter with a man I will never forget.  I had the opportunity to spend some time with a man named Dick Rutherford.  Mr. Rutherford has been a missionary to Guatemala for eleven years and is originally from Washington state.  He needed some help unloading a wheel chair he had repaired for a family which led to the opportunity to spend some time with him.  He selflessly ministers to the children and their families in need every day.  He is not supported by any particular group, and lives in a dangerous neighborhood with no running water inside his home.  He specifically moved to this area in order to minister to the children and show them Christ. 

This morning he got a call from the hospital about a child in need of a wheelchair. I went wih him to visit with the young boy and his mother.  Within two hours, we had picked up a new chair and walker from a ministry put in place for manufacturing, and delivered them to this family for no charge.  Mr. Rutherford  arranged for funding and made all of this happen wth phone calls and connections.

He spoke to me about how some people back home think he gave up everything to come here to do what God made him to do.  "In reality," stated Mr. Rutherford, "I gained everything and gave up nothing. I start my days in prayer asking the Lord to guide and direct me on who I should show His love to. This brings me more joy than you can imagine."  While spending time with Dick, I quickly realized he was a talented man. One of those we all know that just has the ability to get things done. What really struck me about him was the way he is absolutely sold out to using his God given talents for Christ's glory.  He wasn't interested in getting any recognition or glory.

What a novel idea, devoting your life to what you were made to do for our Creator's glory.  Why do we desire the approval of men so much?  This is a such symptom of our selfish nature in wanting glory.  The truth is all of us would be extremely embarassed if we had to post all of our thoughts on Facebook.  The only remedy: more Christ and less of us.  What about you?  What have you been blessed with?  A talent, an education, any relationships?  Who's glory are you using them for?  Be careful, they weren't given to you to be noticed but to make His name renown.  We should all start our day tomorrow on our knees asking for guidance as Dick Rutherford will.  Don't you want the "more joy than you can imagine" he spoke of? 
After all, what do you have to lose?  Better yet...look at what you have to gain.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2: Antigua, Guatemala

Matthew 25:45  He will reply, "What I am about to tell you is true. Anything you didn't do for one of the least important of these, you didn't do for me."
Today was an emotional and exciting day.  We began our day at an orphanage for disabled children.  Most of these children and young adults had been abandoned by family.  The home is also a hospital and a home for disabled adults.  They operate soley off of donations and do a wonderful work.  The children, most of which could not communicate, would get so excited with just a touch or for someone to call their name.  The organization and their volunteers are a true testament to the value of human life.  My experience today really challenged me about loving others.

The second part of our day we headed out of town and up into the mountains to an afternoon camp for children.  This was a blast.  Starting around 3 PM you could see dozens of children coming out of the woods and up the hill.  One of the homes of some of the children was close so we walked down and visited.  Their home was what I have heard and read about but never personally seen.  It was a metal shed with dirt floors.  A family of 10 or so lived there.  Their livestock and pets shared this home with them.  I told Jake as we walked away, "what a joke any complaints we have are." 

There were around 80 children who came from ages 3 to 20.  We were able to spend some time with them through games, crafts, and sports.  It was pretty comical for Jake and I trying to explain to children who spoke no English how to play dodge ball.  Alicia asked me why I was talking so loud and with a Spanish accent.  The children had such a sweet and humble demeanor.  They did not hesitate to hug and kiss us.  We met one little boy whose name was Elvis.  Imagine that, the king of rock and roll still has influence even in the mountains of Guatemala.  The day ended with an opportunity, through a translator, to share the Gospel with them.

Reflecting and praying about today's experience has been challenging to me.  Why would Christ instruct us as He did in Matthew 24:45?  Why does God's word give us instuctions on "pure religon" in James 1:27? Because it's exactly what Christ did for us. He came and He dwelt among us to give His life for us.  Also, it's the only place we can find true satisfaction is in Christ, walking with Him and glorifying Him. It's safe to say, and all of us would admit, that a life spent on self and things of the world leaves us empty.

And, yes, the rooster is still crowing. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Antigua, Guatemala: Day 1

"A Father of the fatherless and a champion of widows is God in his holy dwelling." Psalm 68:5
We arrived in Guatemala City and made the hour long drive up and over mountains to the city of Antigua around midnight Saturday.  I must admit the difference in culture is pretty overwhelming. The condition and enviroment that the people live in here is hard to put into words.  I am typing this in the courtyard of where we are staying.  The place we are staying is by no means to the level of comfort we experience in American motels, but it is night and day difference of those living literally 100 feet from where I sit.  There is a big wall that seperates where we are and some houses that are not as stable and comfortable as our worst barns in America.  This is humbling.  I can't help but ask, what did I do to be sitting and sleeping on this side of the wall?  It isn't like I had anything to do with where I was born and raised.  Better yet, what did I do to deserve to have a relationship with my Creator?  Our group leader made the comment this evening about looking at all the disease and poverty here and think about how we are diseased and bankrupt spiritually.  A better question I can ask is not, why am I on "this side of the wall" but, what is my response to God's grace and mercy to placing me here?  The Word tells us "to much is given, much is expected."

Tomorrow we go out to minister and witness to orphans and others in need.  He is the Father to the fatherless.

I pray that the rooster that crowed all last night will at least wait until closer to daylight for his wake up call. 

What is your response to being on "this side of the wall?"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A new creation?

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come."  2 Corinthians 5:17

Jake and Drew are playing basketball with the Upward Basketball League this year.  Upward is a church league and each week the boys learn a Bible verse.  This past week they learned 2 Corinthians 5:17.  We even have a CD with music to each verse to be learned.  During half-time of the game, one of the pastor's on staff shares a few comments on the weekly verse.  He gave a beautiful illustration on what a "new creation" looks like...

When a child is adopted by a family they immediately have three new qualities:
A new name.
A new inheritance.
A new security.
It is the same with us...when we enter into a relationship with God, through faith in His Son, Jesus, we are a new creation.  We are adopted into a rich heritage.  What a fresh reminder of the benefits of our relationship with our Heavenly Father!