Wednesday, April 27, 2011


"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace.  You will have suffering in this world.  Be courageous!  I have conquered the world." -Jesus (John 16:33)

We see it everywhere...suffering. 

46 people have died within the last two weeks as tornadoes have blown through the south.  More than half of those who died were within miles of where we live.  In our county, four children were killed in their home.  As I type this blog, the weather channel is reporting 32 confirmed deaths today due to tornadoes from Arkansas through Alabama.

Haiti.  Japan.  Poverty.  Tsunamis.  Sickness.  Disease.  Tragedy.

Our neighbor, just two doors down, suffering with cancer.  Her family who loves her so much, suffering with worry, sadness, hoping for a miracle.   

Our friend back home who tragically lost her precious husband a little over a year ago.

We will all experience suffering.  It's part of living.  No one will escape it in this world.  When we meet suffering head on, will we pretend it doesn't exist?  Will we try to cover it?  Alcohol, pills, stuff, relationships, food, abundance...  Keep our fingers crossed and put on the fake smile? 

I have pretended it doesn't exist, but recently I listened to a lady at our church speak on the subject of suffering.  She passed on some truths that I will keep as treasure and wish to share in this blog.  Some of the experiences I see all around me are the very things I pray I do not have to face in my life - BUT if suffering is part of living then it's time for me to buck up and seek Truth on this issue.  When life happens, when the rubber meets the road, how will we respond? 

No amount of theology will take away suffering.  The truth of God's love for us will bring us hope and life, but it will never take away suffering.
"My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings..." -Paul (Philippians 3:10a)

One of the treasures I learned about this suffering thing is that it's not going to all work out here.  It is going to work out there (heaven.)  So, a few days ago, I was running errands, doing what I do and thinking about this issue and talking with God about it.  Telling him my thoughts to journal about it, and how I wanted it to be pleasing to Him.  He spoke to my heart, "Do you really believe that?" "Do you really believe that, while you may experience suffering here, it is going to work out - in heaven?"

Can I have an intimate relationship with God here on this earth, knowing I will go through suffering?  Or, will my faith not stand the test?  If God is sovereign (in control), then how will I respond when the time of crisis comes...knowing He allowed it?  Will I still be able to say "God is good" in the face of tragedy?  What will my prayer life look like in the time of suffering?    

How we will handle suffering is a matter of belief.  Suffering will come and I will not handle it like a hero.  But, I have a Hero.  Jesus came to this earth and knew the plan.  He knew what He was getting into.  He knew the suffering He would endure.  He knew about His own death, His own crucifixion.  He knew He would bear my sins.  He knew.  In the time of Jesus' greatest suffering, He begged God to take it away. Mark 14:32-36.  He was deeply distressed and horrified.  He was in severe mental pain.  His sweat was drops of blood.  His Father did not take it away, yet Jesus did not sin in His suffering. 

He also knew that it would all work together for the good - Romans 8:28-39
Some things Jesus did in the face of His suffering:

1.  He prayed.  He did the same thing He had done daily - prayer.  We will not suddenly acquire spiritual disciplines in the face of suffering.  We should already be doing this - praying, time with God, time in His Word.

2.  Jesus was humbled and broken - He showed Himself vulnerable.  Jesus did not mask the suffering.  He walked through it and was very transparent about how He was affected by it.

3.  He brought His friends with Him - to battle with Him and for Him.  He asked His friends to pray for Him - even though they fell asleep :(.  Mark 14:37-42

Friendships and community are gifts of grace from God.  Take advantage of that.  Have people in your life that really know you so they are there when the bottom falls out.

As followers of Christ, our sufferings are not eternal - I want to always remember this truth.  It is all going to work out there!

"Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance."
"You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; in Your right hand are eternal pleasures."  Psalm 16:5-6 & 11

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reaching a goal...

One of our 2011 goals was to run a 5K together.  Running has never been my (Alicia) thing, but it's just so inspiring to watch others do it.  For Jason, it's all about exercise that gets his heart rate up. 

Although running may be one of the toughest things physically we have ever done, it has been a positive thing for us to do together.  Setting the goal, working towards it, and seeing progress has been awesome!  We are proof that if we can do it, anyone can!!

5K day was last Saturday, April 16.  We did the Embrace Uganda run in downtown Wake Forest.  Embrace Uganda is a ministry that was set up by a local pediatrician and his wife to minister to the people in Uganda.  The goal was to run the entire 5K without stopping.  We did a practice run a few days before to make sure we knew the route.  Jason said we did it in around 34 minutes, so we just stuck with that as our goal for the big day.

We learned that being in a race with others does motivate you to do better.  It was amazing to see kids in the race - and one of them did it in 20 minutes!!  What in the world?!  Throughout this whole time of training, I wanted to be able to keep a pace with Jason so that I could keep my "cool" factor with him!  I just didn't want him to get bored with my slowness!   

Our friends from church, Paul & Alana Davis, also ran the 5K.  They were ahead of us which pushed us to maintain distance with them!  Great memories to run with friends!

WE DID IT!  And, did it way better than we expected...29:50!!  Couldn't believe it when we crossed the finish line.  We'll definitely do it again.  Jason's already talking 10K - YIKES!

He's 10!!!

We are so thankful for a decade with our boy!!

I loved looking out the window and catching this moment of Jake reading in the tree in our backyard...could not resist snapping a picture!

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."  Psalm 127:3

Three of Jake's buddies came over yesterday afternoon to celebrate his birthday and for a sleepover.  Nerf wars and basketball, nerf wars and basketball, nerf wars and basketball... :)  Those boys have gotta be exhausted!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Play Ball Boys!!

The Little League season has begun.  We welcome it with lots of boy energy and love for the spring sunshine!  Emily Ann and I will enjoy cheering our boys on all season. 

Jason is the head coach of Drew's team...Go Youngsville Seminoles!!  Yep, I said Seminoles, Jason got to pick, of course!  And, he helps coach Jake's team...Go Youngsville Yankees!! 
Here's Jake's first time up-to-bat this season...

Jake played catcher for the team and pitched the entire second inning!

Here's Drew at first base - go Drew!!

Here's a clip of Drew's first time up-to-bat this season - he didn't even need the tee!!